Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures (MATS)

The Messianic Aleph/Tav את Scriptures was written to be a Study Bible and is the most unique rendition of the Tanakh (Old Testament) Bible of its kind in the world. Unequivocally the greatest symbol in biblical history since it was revealed by the Apostle John is the Aleph/Tav את Character Symbol. It is the HOLY GRAIL OF THE SCRIPTURES and the reason is that it unlocks the mystery to the greatest treasure man can ever hope to comprehend from the Scriptures, the Yah-head (G-dhead). This re-discovered character symbol has been hidden in plain sight from the beginning, starting with the original Paleo-Hebrew scrolls written by the hand of Moses and the Prophets, then copied by the Scribes for thousands of years thereafter into Babylonian (modern) Hebrew, but not translated by the composers of the King James Bible because it was not considered a word. This English version of the Tanakh is the first exhaustive rendition to incorporate all of the Aleph/Tav את Symbols into the English sentence structure exactly where Moses and the Prophets originally placed them in the Hebrew scroll.

This Study Bible will reveal that the extension of יהוה (Father’s Memorial Name forever) is both WITH and THROUGH the workings of את Y’shua ha-Mashiach (the Messiah), who is ONE with יהוה Father and by whom everything has been created and established from the beginning, just as proclaimed in the Gospel of John 1:1-3. Quite simply, the Aleph/Tav את Symbol is so important to today’s covenant believer that it merits its own rendition of the Tanakh into English for the purpose of being able to study its placement in text and gaining a deeper understanding of the workings and structure of the Yah-head.

Hebrew scholars agree that originally in Paleo-Hebrew the first letter of the Aleph-Bet, the Aleph (א) letter meant “Strength”. Its letter symbol was originally an Ox Head. The last letter of the Aleph-Bet is the letter Tav (ת), which Hebrew scholars agree was originally in Paleo-Hebrew as a symbol or sign of “Covenant”. Its original symbol was an X. Consequently, it is believed that the Aleph/Tav את Symbol literally meant “Strength of the Covenant” when used in original Hebrew text and was placed to create emphasis as a direct object pointer to the workings of the Yah-head (both את יהוה) concerning the covenants, wherever it was placed throughout the Tanakh.

Paleo-Hebrew is the most profound language ever created because it is the original language of the Yah-head. The Sages believe that Hebrew was most likely the language Elohim used to speak His creation into existence. It is also believed that this is the language the Yah-head used to write the Ten Commandments in stone with His finger. Consequently, each letter has significant spiritual connotations relative to the workings of the Yah-head; therefore the Aleph-Bet is a sacred language. Only after reading the Tanakh and seeing first hand where the Aleph/Tav את Symbols are placed, can the reader possibly begin to appreciate and understand the significance of the Aleph/Tav את Symbol in relationship with Y’shua our Messiah.

Note: The word Tanakh (Ta-Na-Kh) is a Hebrew acronym; Ta-Torah, Na-Nevi’im (Prophets) and Kh-Ketuvim (Writings). Today’s 39 books of the Hebrew Bible, Genesis through Malachi are generally called the First or Old Testament. Much of the contents of the Tanakh, according to the Talmud, was compiled by the “Men of the Great Assembly” by 450 B.C. and has since remained unchanged. Modern scholars believe that the process of canonization of the Tanakh became finalized between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D.



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